The Health and Fitness Bookstore provides easy access to books and resources which will inspire and motivate you to keep yourself fit and healthy to the best of your ability.
The bookstore is divided into bookshelves which you can access by clicking on the buttons on the left hand side of the page.
At each of the bookshelves you’ll be able to buy your books through our affiliation with Amazon.
If you find a book on one of our bookshelves that you want to purchase, click on the book cover. You will be taken to our secure server to complete your purchase and browse other titles.
The Health and Fitness Bookstore is a division of Fit and Healthy Online, the health and fitness website established by Canberra physical educator, John Miller.
John Miller runs corporate health management programs, including occupational health and fitness audits, health assessments and keynote seminar presentations.
The Fit and Healthy Online website provides people with access to a lot of the information John doles out in his seminar presentations, some of it for free and some of it for sale.
A lot of the stuff on that website is original. You can get a grasp of John’s philosophy of health by raking through the Health and Fitness Manifesto.
At the Health and Fitness Bookstore you’ll be able to purchase the books John recommends in his seminars.
Please note that the links to the Books for sale are known as “affiliate links” which lead to receiving affiliate commissions from the book sales. A full reference to the disclosure of Content Links can be read at “Disclosure of Content Link Connections“.
John Miller