I hate to tell you this, but if you’re not in great shape aerobically, you’re probably not all that healthy either. It’s as simple as that.
In fact your level of aerobic fitness is probably the most important general measure of how healthy you are. It goes to the very heart of metabolic function – which involves all the major organs and processes that deliver nutrition and oxygen to every cell in your body, and remove the waste products of cellular metabolism.
Strange isn’t it then that few doctors will take their customers out the back and measure how aerobically fit they are. In fact I haven’t heard of one single incidence of a doctor doing just that.
You’ll find out a lot more about your health by doing the 20m run than you will sitting in a dark room attached to a sphygmomanometer!
I’ve got this belief that it’s a big ask in our culture expecting to stay healthy without keeping yourself aerobically fit.
It’s also true that it’s a big ask expecting to get better by having someone do something to you; sooner or later you have to do something to yourself.
If you’ve got any of the epic metabolic dysfunctions the best way to get rid of them is to become a regular aerobic exerciser. It beats any pill known to man.
Here’s what the Surgeon General said in 1979.
‘You, the individual, can do more for your own health and wellbeing than any doctor, any hospital, any drug, any exotic medical advice.’
You can measure how aerobically fit you are by taking the 20m run aerobic fitness test. I’ve included it in the 21 Day Aerobic Fitness Training program ebook.
To do the test, mark out two lines 20metres apart and see how many laps you can do in 5 minutes. If you can do 40 you’re not in bad shape.
The benefits of being fitter are legion. I’ve set aside a chapter on that.
Why 21 Consecutive Days?
It takes 21 consecutive days for the sub conscious mind to lock on to a habit. We’re either ruled by our habits, or they rule us.
If you haven’t been exercising, the habit of lolling around is probably stronger than the habit of getting up and exercising.
At the end of 21 days all that will have changed, if you take up the 21 day challenge.
Of course once the 21 Day Aerobic Fitness Training Program habit is locked into your subconscious you won’t have to go through the inner debate each morning about whether you’re going to get up or not and go for your walk, shuffle or jog. You’ll have the getting-up-and-exercising-habit locked in.
The big benefit of taking part in the 21 Day Aerobic Fitness Training program is it will defrag your metabolic system. That in itself will be your greatest reward. But as well as that, you’ll feel better. That’s the other big benefit.
But remember, you can’t subcontract out a metabolic defrag.