John Miller is a leading Australian physical educator, author and presenter with a wealth of experience in the development of health, fitness and wellbeing programs.
John will provide your next convention with an entertaining, inspiring and motivating address on
The Seven Habits of Fit and Healthy People
This presentation has been developed as a result of John’s 20 years of experience in the health management field where he has taken thousands of people through his health and fitness assessments and delivered hundreds of health and stress management programs to corporate organisations.
The Seven Habits
- Keep yourself aerobically fit
- Keep yourself strong
- Keep yourself flexible
- Eat from the top of the Hourglass
- Manage the stress of your life
- Manage the stress of your work
- Meditate
John talks and writes about health, fitness and wellbeing in a thought-provoking, humorous, deceptively simple and down to earth style, the aim being to galvanize themselves back into the fit and healthy way of life.
His presentations and books are practical in that it takes participants and readers directly into the health and fitness issues that concern them on a day to day basis
- How to fix up a crook back, stiff neck or sore shoulders
- How to lose weight quickly and safely
- How to get to sleep quickly and sleep better
- How to dramatically lower stress levels.
He provides people with clear and unambiguous reasons for being more vigorously physically active. The benefits are compelling.
He talks and writes about the importance of giving back to one’s Self and the importance of finding the time for a distraction strategy that switches people off from busyness, misery and work.
John is an energetic, engaging and dynamic seminar presenter. His presentation will have a marked impact on your delegates, one that extends well beyond your conference.
John’s training sessions are interactive, including:
- a quick health and fitness check based on the Mind and Body profile
- a demonstration of some of the exercises people need to do to keep their back and neck in good shape
- a simple muscular relaxation exercise.
John’s presentation go to the very heart of corporate health management. It is unique in the way it links individual health and well-being with corporate health and wellbeing.
Our corporate organisations are being plagued by an epidemic of motion starvation. Its effects on individuals are widespread and the symptoms appear as headaches, poor sleep, obesity, lack of energy, high blood pressure and musculo-skeletal dysfunction to name but a few. The effects on organisations in terms of absenteeism, presenteeism, workers compensation and turnover are enormous.
The models, principles and insights included in John’s presentation are based on a theme:
- Healthy people create healthy workplaces for themselves and their colleagues.
- Successfully managing oneself is an essential prerequisite for successfully managing other people.
- Life satisfaction and career satisfaction are intimately connected.
- People who are fit and healthy and love their jobs don’t need to be motivated; they motivate themselves.
This is why John Miller’s presentation is an excellent way to draw attention to the personal health issues that permeate the workplace, and at the same time giving balance perspective to the technical and professional themes of your conference.
For corporate organisations the benefits of people being fitter and healthier are compelling. For a start they feel better; and when people feel better they are more productive.
On top of that they:
- have more energy, vitality and enthusiasm
- are happier
- have superior morale communication and teamwork
- exhibit enhanced levels of creativity
- have higher self esteem and self confidence.
Let John Miller put health and fitness squarely back your organisation’s human resource agenda.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned.
John Miller